Monday 23 March 2009

Collectibles provide great niches for bloggers!

If you are still thinking about the theme for your next niche blog, you might consider blogging about collectibles.

In many ways collectibles provide great themes for niche blogging. Usually people who collect things are very interested in reading all the possible information about their beloved objects. Furthermore, they are willing to pay for the items still missing in their collections.

If you already collect something you know what I mean. And in that case, you most probably know a lot about everything related to your collections. So you could probably start blogging right now.

There are even more reasons for blogging about collectibles. First, the collectibles lend themselves for writing in separate articles. In this way, you will be almost forced to write in a way that is already well optimized for the long tail searches using Google.

Second, if something is worth collecting, there are probably hundreds or thousands of different collectibles that can be written about. This means you won't run out of ideas for blog articles too soon.

Third, you can use the blog as a platform for starting an online store for the collectibles. This way you can make even more money in the niche.

Fourth, you can participate in affiliate programs for marketing for example books that are relevant to the hobby.

Fifth, in case you are interested in building a collection yourself, the blog is a great way to build contact with other people sharing similar interests.

Sixth, you could use the blog for marketing products on ebay.

The collectibles provide incredibly many niches you probably have never thought about. In one time or other, I have collected books or stamps. Already these two major themes could be divided into hundreds of mini niches. For example,

- A blog about German stamps
- A blog about stamps of the World War II
- A blog about Latin American stamps
- A blog about South East Asian stamps

Coins and paper money would, of course, provide possibilities for similar niches.

Some people collect Barbie dolls that can be extremely expensive today. And men of my generation might like to collect Nintendo's Game & Watch electronic games made in the 1980's. And there are probably more people collecting Swatch watches you can imagine.

Probably any of these niches would provide you with a theme that brings in more revenue than blogging about blogging or making money online.

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