Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Big money with brute force blogging

Brute force blogging can be the easiest way to make a decent living by blogging. A brute force blogger is not interested in having 50000 daily readers for the blog, she would rather have 100 low-maintenance blogs that each have 500 daily readers.

If each of these 100 blogs would bring 1 USD a day in AdSense revenues it would make 3000 USD every month. That would be a very nice income for most of the people, especially if one does not need eight hours every day for writing these blogs.

I suppose the best strategy to approach the brute force system would be to write very actively for each blog in the beginning. Probably 15 articles per month (each at least 300 words) would be enough to get the blog to the first page of the Google search for most niches in two or three months.

It is not too difficult to write this many articles in a day if one does not demand a very high quality from the articles. I suppose I have written most of the articles published in this blog in less than 10 hours.

This means that it would be quite possible to start five new niche blogs in a week and write enough content for the first month of each blog. After one month of blogging, the blogger would already have twenty niche blogs that have fresh material every second day.

It is true that this high productivity is possible only if the blogger has some previous knowledge on the topic or is willing to research the niche for some time before starting to blog. But it should be easy to create a series of articles based on any good book one reads about the topic of the niche blog.

After one has earned a decent position it is a lot easier to keep it than it was to conquer the Google. I have noticed that after getting to the top, it can be enough to post an article maybe once a week. So there is no need to create fresh unique content constantly on high level. With a little of luck, one of these 100 niche blogs might become a very popular blog that is worth quality content. In this way, tiny niche blogs can function as a playground where one can test ideas for different blogs.


  1. Not the best variant, as for me. To keep such an amount of blogs you'l have to write a lot of articles and naturally, you'll copypaste these articles (as it's hard to think out a hundred articles every couple of days). And in the end you'l end up baned by Google for copying content. Regards, Thomas from custom web application development
